Have you begun planning your professional learning and development for 2025?

Feedback from our previous workshops has shown overwhelming support for a return to kanohi ki te kanohi delivery.  While the majority of our workshops are offered face to face including our PCT series for both primary and secondary, we have developed some online self-directed learning modules.

We are also offering series of workshops for

  • Digital Technologies
  • Middle and Senior Leaders
  • Numeracy in Secondary Schools
  • Pasifika

Feedback from teachers and leaders attending our workshops in 2023

Thank you so much for valuing what we as beginning teachers have to say/ feel. You made me feel so happy walking away from the day, full of new ideas and better understanding of what it means to be a teacher in all situations.


I liked seeing the broken down approach to teaching te reo Māori, from setting a context through to practising vocabulary learnt through structures and basic question and answer.


Overall sessions were very informative and interactive where there's a lot of opportunity for us to share our challenges and collectively discuss some strategies and best practices to help us with our journey as first year teachers.


Provisionally Certificated Teachers (PCTs)