Facilitator - Restorative Practice
- MOE Accredited
- English Medium Accredited
- Cultural Capability
- Embedding language, culture and identity
- Engaging whānau and communities
- Enhancing student agency
- Innovative Teaching and Learning
- Lifting student achievement
- Restorative Practice
2012 Post Graduate Diploma Specialist Teaching: Learning and Behaviour, Massey University
2007 Bachelor of Arts, University of Auckland
1994 Diploma of Teaching, Auckland College of Education
My Experience
Ko au he mokopuna, ko au he tupuna – I am both a grandchild and a descendant.
As a skilled and experienced facilitator and educator I am inherently guided by the wisdom of my tupuna and the values of Te Ao Māori. These values are core to my way of working alongside our schools, whānau and the wider community to ensure the best and sustainable outcomes for our mokopuna.
With vast experience of working across all educational sectors in large metropolitan and rural schools, as an educator, leader and Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB Māori), I am able to confidently work in Māori and English medium settings with a diverse range of learners. I intrinsically understand the dynamics of a whole school culture by listening and responding appropriately to staff, whānau, and student’s aspirations and needs. I engender enthusiasm to implement a shared vision by using strength-based practices that are co-constructed and mana enhancing.
I am passionate and skilled when co-creating and sharing knowledge, skills and understanding with schools and the wider community to create new models of practice that best fit our Māori and Pacific nation learners, including using kaupapa Māori frameworks and coaching models to support professional leaders to develop their relational skills, culturally responsive practice, restorative practice and hauora/wellbeing.