Studying a graduate diploma helps you develop knowledge and skills in your chosen subject area which will enable you to undertake a new career or further study.

120 points, 1 year

Trimester A (March) and Trimester B (July)

Why study the Graduate Diploma?

Graduate diplomas are intended to provide the equivalent of a major in a subject area that is different to your first degree’s major. You may be eligible if you haven’t studied for a degree before if you can demonstrate an interest in the subject area and a satisfactory academic ability.

A graduate diploma is a more in-depth version of a graduate certificate, is studied at undergraduate level, and can be completed in the equivalent of one year (two trimesters) of full-time study, or in some cases, extended part time study.

Candidates must gain 120 points at 100 level or above, including at least 75 points at 300 level or above, in the Graduate Diploma subjects.

120 points, 1 year

Trimester A (March) and Trimester B (July)

Degree information

Graduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma - Generic (120 points)
You must complete a total of eight papers (120 points) for the GradDip, including at least six papers (90 points) in your chosen subject. This includes up to three papers (45 points) at 100 Level or above; and at least five papers (75 points) at 300 Level. To complete a Graduate Diploma normally takes one year of full-time study.
Select a tile for more information.
Year 1
100 Level or above Elective or Subject
100 Level or above Elective or Subject
100 Level or above in Subject
300 Level Subject
300 Level Subject
300 Level Subject
300 Level Subject
300 Level Subject
This information is provisional and subject to change.

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