Public transport

Learn about public transport Bus options for the University campus in Hamilton and Tauranga.


There are currently 5 bus routes that come to or near our Hamilton campus:

  • Route 13 (University) - stops outside campus shops
  • Route 17 (Hamilton Gardens Uni) - stops outside campus shops
  • The Orbiter - stops Knighton Rd
  • The Meteor - has stops on Hillcrest and Knighton Road bordering the University
  • Route 20 (Cambridge) - stops outside the Warehouse, Hillcrest

Visit the BUSIT website for information on all Hamilton bus routes and timetables


Most bus stops in Tauranga transit through the main bus stop on Willow Street, a short walk from campus. Below is a list of buses that stop here:

Visit the Baybus website for information on all Tauranga bus routes and timetables.

Bee card

Bee cards are the new way to travel on buses in both Hamilton and Tauranga. Use the card to tag on and off the bus. You will automatically be charged the lowest fare based on your travel.

How to get a Bee card

Bee cards cost $5 and there are two ways to get one:

  1. Online: You can order your Bee card online by creating an account and entering your details.
  2. In person: You can get your Bee card in person from the driver, local customer service point or selected retail outlets.  More details are available for:

Visit the Bee card website for more information.