The University of Waikato embraces students of all religions.
On our Hamilton campus, we have a chapel, as well as dedicated prayer rooms, student faith groups, and Chaplains to resource the spiritual life of students regardless of background or beliefs. Tauranga students can access our chaplaincy service by making an appointment.
Lady Goodfellow Chapel
The Lady Goodfellow Chapel is located across from UniRec on our Hamilton campus. The chapel complex has a number of uses, including the Chaplains offices. The Chapel is a good quiet space for students to come think, pray or study.
Several student groups also use the chapel for meetings.
Find out more about the Lady Goodfellow Chapel.
Need someone to talk with about what’s going on in your life? Looking to connect with others of your faith, or even across faiths? Need a quiet space to think, pray, or meditate? Want to explore your spiritual journey with someone? Or just desperate for a coffee?
Our two chaplains, Brother Andrew (Ecumenical) and Father JP (Juan Pedro) (Catholic) are available for pastoral support regardless of your background or beliefs.
We also have Assistant Chaplains volunteering alongside us: Nick Goodwin on the Hamilton Campus and the Rev’d Enosa Auva’a on the Tauranga Campus.
We seek to nurture the spirituality of students and staff, encouraging you to work out your faith within your academic disciplines and vocations. The chaplaincy team provides a listening ear, reflection and feedback. Just drop in at the Lady Goodfellow Chapel on the Hamilton Campus or make an appointment to see Brother Andrew when he visits Tauranga.
Brother Andrew McKean TSSF
Ecumenical Chaplain
Email: chaplain@waikato.ac.nz
DDI: (07) 858 5654
Mob: 022 066 9783
Brother Andrew is the Ecumenical Chaplain, a pastor or minister available for the pastoral support of staff and students irrespective of their background or beliefs. Ordained (trained and licensed) as an Anglican minister, he has a Bachelor of Theology, a PGCert in Chaplaincy and a DipGrad in Religious Studies. A straight ally, he belongs to the Waikato Interfaith Council and is particularly interested in issues around the Church and Postmodern Culture, and in Interfaith Work generally. Brother Andrew oversees all bookings for the Lady Goodfellow Chapel in Hamilton. He visits Tauranga most Wednesdays in teaching weeks - please email or message him to make an appointment for his next visit.
Father JP (Juan Pedro) Maldonado
Roman Catholic Chaplain
Email: juan.maldonado@waikato.ac.nz
Ph: (07) 838 4466 ext 8575
Mob: 021 090 00125
Father JP (Juan Pedro) is the Roman Catholic Chaplain and is also available to all staff and students. Besides his training in the Ecclesiastical Sciences (holding a PhD in Christian Philosophy), he has exercised his pastoral activity in Spain, Italy, Kenya and Australia, mainly among young people. All are welcome to a friendly chat to share your joys, sorrows and hopes. You can arrange a meeting by email (Juan.Maldonado@waikato.ac.nz) or knock on his door at the Lady Goodfellow Chapel. He is normally on campus Monday to Friday.
Nick Goodwin
Assistant Chaplain
Email: ngoodwin@waikato.ac.nz
Mob: 027 417 8205
Nick is an Assistant Chaplain, and is usually available on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You’ll most likely find him around Kahurangi Café or the Village Green or the Pā – feel free to introduce yourself if you see him. Having studied and worked in science, Nick is particularly keen to talk with anyone exploring the relationship of faith, spirituality and STEM subjects. He also helps support TSCF (Tertiary Students’ Christian Fellowship), a student club affiliated to the WSU. Nick is employed as an Associate Pastor by Raleigh Street Christian Centre, an evangelical church in Cambridge, and also works on regional and national projects for Christian Community Churches New Zealand (CCCNZ).
Rev Enosa Auva’a
Senior Minister: St Peters in the City, Tauranga
Email: enosa@stpeters.org.nz
DDI: (07) 975 0203
Mob: 0274 869 213
Rev Enosa Auva’a is an ordained (trained and licensed) Minister of the Presbyterian Church at St Peters in the City. He trained at Knox Theological College in Dunedin, and has a Diploma in Ministry and a Graduate Diploma of Applied Theology. A former Primary School Principal of 26 Years he holds a Master of Educational Leadership and Management. From Samoa with Matai titles Unasa, Tupuola and Auva’a, Enosa welcomes conversation about church, hope, faith and culture. St Peters in the City is situated in Tauranga city just across from the university in Spring St. Feel free to contact by telephone or email above. I will be at Campus on Thursday and Friday (12-1pm)
Prayer Rooms
We have Muslim Prayer rooms available in L Block and SUB. To access these spaces, you will need swipe access entered on your student ID card from the Security Office on the ground floor of the Student Union Building (SUB).
Student Groups
Student groups meet regularly at the Lady Goodfellow Chapel. Meetings generally occur during teaching periods of A and B trimesters.
Student groups associated with the Lady Goodfellow Chapel, Hamilton, include:
- Student Life – contact them through their Facebook page
- TSCF (Tertiary Students’ Christian Fellowship) – usually meet in the Chapel on Wednesdays in teaching weeks between 12 noon and 2pm.
- ISM (International Student Ministries) – meet as a housegroup offsite on Sundays at 1pm. Contact sione@ism.org.nz or see the poster in the chapel.
- WaiCath (Waikato Catholic Students’ Group) – they meet on Wednesdays from 1pm in the Drop-in Centre (the small lounge within the Chapel complex) and after Mass on Sunday evenings.
- Arise Church – prayer group meets in the Lady Goodfellow Chapel
fortnightly on Wednesday between 7pm and 9:30pm. Contact William Poese for more details by emailing william.poese@arisechurch.com
Tertiary Students’ Christian Fellowship (TSCF) meet on campus.
Contact Dave Hodgkinson for more details by emailing daveh@tscf.org.nz
Note: these groups generally meet only during A and B Trimester teaching weeks.
Contact Brother Andrew for more information.
Weekend worship
A number of church communities, not necessarily connected with the Chaplaincy, hire the chapel for their weekend worship.
These include on Saturdays:
- Love and Light Christian Fellowship between about 5pm and 10pm
and on Sundays:
The Society of Friends (Quakers) with worship at 10am
New Beginnings Fijian AOG at 1pm
Solomon Islands Students’ Association, first Sunday of each month at 3pm
Waikato Interfaith Council (WIFCO) Choir, second Sunday of each month at 3pm
Roman Catholic mass at 5pm
Contact Brother Andrew for more information or contact details for any of these groups.