Favourite or Hide Papers

For staff and students on how to favourite or hide a paper in Moodle dashboard.

In the Paper overview section of your Moodle Dashboard you can make a paper a favourite or hide it from your view.

Note: Choosing to hide the paper in your dashboard only affects your own view of the paper.

  1. Scroll down to the Paper overview section, then select the three dots below the paper image or next to the paper name.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select Favourite this paper or Remove from view.


  • Once a paper has been selected as a favourite it will have a star next to it. You can view just your favourited papers by choosing Favourites from the paper filter drop-down menu under Paper overview..
  • You can unfavourite papers by selecting the three dots, then Unfavourite this paper.
  • To see Hidden papers, select Hidden from the paper filter drop-down menu under Paper overview.
  • To un-hide the paper, select the three dots, then select Restore to view. It will now show in the default All (except hidden) filter view.