Marsden Fund projects

Explore Waikato's contributions to research excellence. Learn about our Marsden Fund-supported projects pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

The Marsden Fund is the primary mechanism in New Zealand for funding pure research, undertaken solely to increase knowledge. The Fund is managed by Te Apārangi Royal Society of New Zealand and supports research that is investigator-driven rather than funder- or industry-driven.

Current Marsden Fund projects

Project Duration Principal Researcher(s) Contract Value
Ngā Hanganga Mātua o te Whakaako Hitori: Critical Pedagogies for History Educators in Aotearoa New Zealand 2022-2025 Dr Nēpia Mahuika $817,000
Accurately dating the Māori past using marine shell 2022-2025 A/Prof Fiona Petchey $839,000
Beyond the cycle of shame and silence: A relational study of intersex experience 2022-2025 Prof Katrina Roen $838,000
Advancing understanding of atomic-scale interface formation and heat transfer in composite materials 2022-2025 A/Prof Fei Yang $916,000
Answering the Christchurch Call: Investigating New Zealand-based white supremacist discourse on social media 2022-2025 Dr Justin Phillips $360,000
Thermoelastic stress tomography: using heat to detect, map and quantifying the effect of hidden defects 2022-2025 Dr Rachael Tighe $360,000
Soil organics matter: exploring abiotic pathways to mitigation of agricultural nitrous oxide emissions 2022-2025 Dr Dorisel Torres-Rojas $360,000
Exploring the utility of stable state theory in real-world environmental problems 2021-2024 Dr Shari Gallop $300,000
Global productivity over the Holocene: Leaf hydraulic design to constrain the Dole effect 2021-2024 Prof Margaret Barbour $960,000
The development of the human visual system in utero: an experimental and computational modelling approach 2021-2024 Prof Vincent Reid $819,000
Modern Immunity: Modernism, Threat and Immune Poetics 2021-2024 Dr Maebh Long $631,000
Mycorrhizas, alternative stable states, and landscape partitioning in south-temperate forests 2021-2024 A/Prof Christopher Lusk $960,000
What is the alternative? Sulphur acquisition in the human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae 2021-2024 Dr Joanna Hicks $300,000
Metal incorporation into honeybee brains and cells: at what cost to the hive? 2021-2024 Dr Megan Grainger $300,000
Thinking backwards and forwards: Characteristics and consequences of age-related memory decline 2021-2024 Dr Aleea Devitt $300,000
Global environmental monitors: do penguins concentrate and record diffuse contaminants from global-scale anthropogenic events in pristine Antarctic environments? 2021-2024 Dr Tanya O'Neill $300,000
Urban island: Histories of dispossession and belonging in Suva 2021-2024 Dr Kate Stevens $300,000
Exploring the limits of climate regulation: Could a decline in marine biological silica uptake exacerbate global climate change? 2021-2024 Dr Terry Isson $300,000
Macromolecular Rate Theory (MMRT) and the temperature-dependence of the terrestrial biosphere over time and space 2020-2023 Prof Vic Arcus $3,000,000
Languaculture within Te Ao Māori: Learning from infants, whānau and communities 2020-2023 Prof Mere Berryman $841,000
Earth-shaking insight from liquefied volcanic-ash layers in lakes: using geotechnical experiments, CT-scanned lake sediment cores, and tephrochronology to map and date prehistoric earthquakes 2020-2023 Prof David Lowe $960,000
Mis-counting China 2020-2023 Prof John Gibson $858,000
Te Kāpaukura a Kupe: The Ocean in the Sky – Māori Navigation Knowledge 2019-2022 Dr Haki Tuaupiki $300,000
Illuminating the dark side of restoration: Soil food web reassembly in regenerating forests 2019-2022 Dr Andrew Barnes $300,000
DNA repair systems of the Antarctic microbial metagenome 2019-2022 Dr Adele Williamson $300,000
In extremis: revealing novel metabolic pathways that support microbial populations in the deep subsurface biosphere of Mt Erebus, Antarctica 2019-2022 Prof Craig Cary $935,000
When and why did all the pā arrive? A multidisciplinary investigation into the spatial-temporal role of pā in the development of Māori culture 2019-2022 Prof Alan Hogg $827,000
The embrace of our ancestors: reimagining and recontextualising mātauranga Māori in psychology 2019-2022 Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki $859,000
Melanesia Burning: The Explosion of Pentecostalism in the Western Pacific 2019-2022 Dr Fraser Macdonald $300,000
Writing the new world: Indigenous texts 1900-1975 2018-2022 A/Prof Alice Te Punga Somerville $642,000
Counting our Tūpuna: Colonisation and Indigenous Survivorship in Aotearoa NZ 2017-2022 Prof Tahu Kukutai $735,000
    Total (excl. GST) $21,716,000