We carry out world-leading research in the areas of Indigenous demography and data sovereignty, temporary migration and Pacific health equity. Our research programme comprises four interconnected research platforms.
Our History
Initially founded through collaboration between researchers at the University of Waikato’s Population Studies Centre (now the Te Ngira Directorate), Waikato Management School and Wellington-based Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust, the Institute’s primary goal is to help inform choices and responses to the demographic, social and economic interactions that are shaping New Zealand’s future.
How we can work with you
Te Ngira offers research, advisory and consultancy services and demographic training to a range of end-users, including government, the non-government sector and industry. We seek collaborative partnerships with other researchers, both in New Zealand and international, the social science community and the public policy community in New Zealand, and other external partners.
- Contract research
- Collaborative research programmes
- Consultancy services
- Survey design and analysis
- Public seminars
- Tailored courses and workshops offered by the NIDEA Demographic Laboratory
- Database archive
- Student, Masters and PhD research projects
Learn more about what we do
Research connections
In addition to undertaking independent research, Te Ngira researchers conduct research in collaboration with and on behalf of a range of government and non-government agencies. Key end-users include:
- DHBs
- Federal, state and local government associations in Australia
- Human Rights Commission
- Local government
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- Ministry for the Environment
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Social Development
- New Zealand Treasury
- Office of Ethnic Affairs
- Registered iwi authorities
- Statistics New Zealand
- Te Puni Kokiri
Te Ngira draws on the Population Studies Centre’s long established research links with a range of international institutions, including:
- AACSB International, USA
- Applied Social Analysis Network, University of Tasmania
- ARC Economic Design Network (University of Melbourne)
- Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
- Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, Australian National University
- Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR)
- Centre de Population et Développement, Université Paris
- Centre for Population and Urban Research, Monash University
- Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED)
- EQUIS, Europe
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Helsinki
- National Economic Research Organisation (OECD)
- Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA)
- Oxford Institute of Ageing, Oxford University
- Population Research Institute, Nihon University, Japan
- Southampton University
- Stanford University, USA
- The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
- The University of the South Pacific (USP)
- University of Singapore
Te Ngira also has access to Motu's extensive network of New Zealand and international researchers.