Waikato's Transport Research Group (TRG)

Find our more about the Transport Research Group's (TRG) work on logistics, infrastructure, safety, and new technologies shaping the way we move.

Transportation plays a vital role in our daily lives.

The Waikato Transport Research Group (TRG) investigates how transportation can contribute to a strong and sustainable economy, protect the environment, influence driver behavior in response to new vehicle technologies, and inform government and industry decision-making.

Our research explores a wide range of questions, including:

  • Public perceptions of connected and autonomous vehicles
  • Barriers to widespread electric vehicle adoption
  • The differing perspectives of engineers and drivers on risk
  • The economic impact of infrastructure investments in ports
  • Enhancing in-vehicle cyber-security for greater data access

Some of our research involves human participants. 


Join our mailing list to find out about seminars, new research projects and other Transport Research Group news email: trg@waikato.ac.nz