Waikato Formal Methods Group

Explore the work of the Waikato Formal Methods Group and their innovative approaches.

Since 1998, our Formal Methods lab has been at the forefront of computer science in New Zealand. We believe that programming is a core aspect of computer science and that rigorous mathematical modeling is essential for building reliable software.

Instead of relying on trial and error, which can be costly and time-consuming, we focus on developing languages and tools that allow us to precisely model and reason about systems before they're built. Our goal is to create software that consistently works as intended, free from errors and bugs.

One particular project is aimed at producing methods that will allow the development of user-interfaces to the same level of dependability as the functional part of a system. We are also developing tools for generating test suites from specifications, to improve the cost-effectiveness of testing. We are investigating languages and logics for dealing with refinement at a general level, and techniques for developing discrete event systems.

Driving the work of the lab are problems that we have been presented with by various parts of the New Zealand (and beyond) software development industry. This means that we can be sure our work is going to be useful for solving problems that are important to people outside the research environment.
