
Embark on a scientific journey at Waikato to tackle global challenges. Explore diverse perspectives and hands-on opportunities in Hamilton or Tauranga.

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There has never been a better time to study science and Waikato is the place to be to tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time. These challenges need innovative minds and research that transcends disciplinary boundaries.

Whether you base yourself in Hamilton or our new Tauranga Campus featuring state-of-the-art laboratories, you can study science at Waikato through a variety of lenses, solving real-life problems from day one of your degree.

With a unique ‘living lab’ on our doorstep, our science students are spoilt for choice when it comes to enriching field-trips and hands-on opportunities particularly in the areas of environmental and marine sciences.

Apply to the University of Waikato

New in Tauranga in 2024

Help protect our oceans for tomorrow.

Study Marine Science in Tauranga from 2024.

This exciting new subject covers the science of marine systems including ecology, physical processes, ecosystem restoration and conservation.

Marine science at the University of Waikato
Biomedical sciences

Begin your journey in Biomedical Sciences

New in Hamilton from 2024

Study in a field with diverse career options and be part of innovative scientific research that improves lives.

Ready for the next level?

The Master of Science is valued for its flexibility and excellence, and can be tailored to suit your needs. You can select your papers from a range of subjects and the mix of research and taught papers are customised to suit your interests and goals.

Creating positive change for our environment