Starting PhD or Higher Degree study

Find detailed information about the life cycle of doctoral study.

This information takes you from conditional enrolment through to confirmation of enrolment, and covers annual re-enrolment and six-monthly progress reporting.

There is also information available for those who are considering studying off-campus, or for international students who plan to travel overseas while enrolled.

We also encourage all research degree students to become familiar with the code of conduct that relates to research.

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Doctoral life cycle

Learn more about the life cycle of doctoral study — from conditional enrolment through to confirmation of enrolment and the necessities of annual re-enrolment and progress reporting.


Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme: early stage

The University of Waikato offers a wide range of training opportunities to support you on your journey as a research scholar. If you are pre- or post-confirmation, and/or undertaking your literature review, these workshops are for you.