Study advising programme

Study Advising is a programme designed to help new students during their first year of undergraduate study.

Supporting new undergraduate students to succeed at University

Every first year student is automatically allocated a dedicated staff member – a Study Advisor.  Most Study Advisors will be from your main area of study, but all have roles aimed to help students to succeed with their study goals.

Your Study Advisor will:

  • contact you from time to time through email and phone to check-in to see you how you are going
  • be the person you can contact if you get stuck, have a question, or just need some reassurance.
  • share useful information with you to help with your transition to University
  • keep an eye on your academic progress, including attendance and assignments. If you seem to be struggling, they'll reach out to offer support.

Your Study Advisor can help with things related to your studies:

  • if you are struggling with any of your papers
  • if you have personal issues that are impacting your studies
  • what to do if you get sick and can’t complete an assessment
  • if you want to talk through different study options
  • if you just don’t know who can help you with your question – there are no silly questions here!

Your Study Advisor is here to listen. While they might not have immediate solutions, they can provide guidance and connect you with the right support services to overcome your challenges.