Partnership and Commercialisation opportunities

Explore how to turn research into reality. Learn about partnership and commercialisation opportunities at the University of Waikato.

Commercialisation projects underway at the University of Waikato, as at June 2021:

Project Stage
Weka – Machine Learning software Commercial
Ligar – molecular-imprinted polymer technology to extract high-value components or contaminants from fluids Commercial
Chronoptics Ltd – Time-of-flight 3D imaging platform Commercial
First Watch – cybersecurity for industrial control systems Commercial
Waikato Scientific Instruments – new product “Syp” automated water sampler Commercial
Machine Vision Parking – machine vision to help manage carparks and find available parking spaces Commercial
Battery Monitor – improved measurement of battery life and battery capacity for Lithium Ion, Lead-Acid and other batteries Commercial
Algal seaweed-derived products Commercial


See WaikatoLink's updates for the latest news.

For more information on any of these projects, contact

Other Industry Partnerships