Responsibility for policy: Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships
Approving authority: Vice-Chancellor
Last reviewed: November 2021
Next review date: November 2026

Print version


  1. This policy applies to all staff of the University of Waikato.


  1. The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles and processes that apply to sponsorship offered by or to the University.

Related Documents

  1. The following documents set out further information relevant to this policy:


  1. In this policy

    branded merchandise means clothing or goods, whether for sale, gifting or internal use, that feature University trademarks

    sponsorship means the support of an event, activity, person or organisation financially or through the provision of products or services in return for tangible or intangible benefits

    trademarks means the registered and unregistered trademarks of the University of Waikato and includes the University coat of arms and its variations, wordmarks, devices, logos and combined marks

    University means the University of Waikato and its subsidiaries.


  1. The University recognises that the support of an event, activity, person or organisation through sponsorship may be appropriate where it aligns with the University's Vision, strategic objectives, brand and role as a public institution.
  2. All University sponsorship must:
    1. be mutually beneficial to the University or sponsor and the sponsored event, activity, person or organisation and not conflict with other commitments made to third parties, and
    2. be in the interests of the University community, in particular its students.
  3. Wherever possible, the University will have tertiary sector exclusivity in sponsorship agreements.

Application and approval

  1. All requests for sponsorship from or to an external party must be notified to the Head of Sponsorships and Engagement prior to undertaking any negotiations intended to lead to a sponsorship arrangement or agreement.
  2. Any staff member proposing to act as a sponsor or to request sponsorship on behalf of the University or a unit within the University must obtain the approval of their line manager and the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor, Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships or equivalent to do so and forward details of the proposed sponsorship, including expected costs and benefits to the University, to the Head of Sponsorships and Engagement and the Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships prior to entering into to any sponsorship arrangement or agreement.
  3. The Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships will ensure that any proposed sponsorship fits the brand of the University and is consistent with its Vision, strategic objectives and role as a public institution.
  4. Those seeking to enter into a sponsorship arrangement or agreement involving a commitment of funding must ensure that they can fully cover any costs associated with the sponsorship within their cost centre and within their delegated financial authority and have the resources available to manage and fully execute the sponsorship.
  5. Authority for the approval and funding of sponsorships valued up to and including $5,000 lies with the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor, Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships or equivalent.
  6. Authority for the approval and funding of sponsorships valued at over $5,000 lies with the Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships.

Sponsorship arrangements, agreements and contracts

  1. All sponsorship arrangements valued up to and including $5,000 may be documented in a sponsorship letter.
  2. All sponsorships valued over $5,000 must be documented in a full sponsorship agreement developed in collaboration with the Head of Sponsorships and Engagement.
  3. An electronic copy of all sponsorship agreements and any associated contracts, signed by all parties, must be uploaded by the sponsor or delegated authority to the Central Contracts Register within Unimarket.
  4. Staff who have an interest, actual or perceived, that may affect their impartiality with respect to a sponsorship arrangement or agreement must ensure that it is identified and managed in accordance with the Interests (Conflicts of Interest) Policy.

Branding and promotion

  1. The University’s brand, including but not limited to its coat of arms, must not be used in association with any sponsorship unless and until the sponsorship arrangement or agreement has been approved.
  2. All University branded merchandise associated with a sponsorship must comply with the Branded Merchandise Policy and Corporate Brand Standards
  3. All promotional and leveraging activities associated with a sponsorship must be discussed with and approved in advance by the Head of Sponsorships and Engagement and the Director of Marketing or delegated authority.

Responsibility for monitoring compliance

  1. The Assistant Vice-Chancellor International, Engagement and Partnerships is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy and reporting any breaches to the Vice-Chancellor.
  2. Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action under the Staff Code of Conduct.

Waivers and variations

  1. Only the Vice-Chancellor may waive or vary the provisions of this policy in individual cases.